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Xenon-Mod for 1.4.1 by Martin Aircraft
Hi today a new mod for xenon in te iveco hiway
Ilumination color by: Martin Aircraft
Flarepack Modification by: Martin Aircraft
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Dreckbirne, Efsan, Fireball81, m.v, PietderBaer, pit19169, Rol66, SantosPrimus, Scania Fan 87, Scania_Topline, SoX, Torti007, vladimir
Yellow lights mod v3 by Martin Aircraft
Ilumination color by: Martin Aircraft
Flarepack Modification by: Martin Aircraft
6 registered users thanked already.
Xenon-Mod V6 for 1.7 by Martin Aircraft
Ilumination color by: Martin Aircraft
Flarepack Modification by: Martin Aircraft
12 registered users thanked already.
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Dbpit, Efsan, Gibraltareño2, m.v, Maggei, MaRtYN AirCrAfT, Nordlicht76, pit19169, SantosPrimus, Transit, Truck1234, zilpzalp
Xenon-Mod V7 for 1.8 by Martin Aircraft
Ilumination color by: Martin Aircraft
Flarepack Modification by: Martin Aircraft
News: Texture res. fixed MAN trucks fixed Support Scania Streamline
7 registered users thanked already.
Lights Doorstep lights for some Trucks by Roadhunter
ETS2 1.18.xx Doorstep lights Version 4 for
ETS2 1.18.xx Doorstep lights Version 4 for
Scania R 2009 / Scania Streamline / Mercedes Actros 2014 / Volvo FH 16 2009 / Volvo FH 16 2012 / Daf Euro 6
MAN TGX / Scania RJL / Scania T
DAF XF + DAF XF50keda
by Roadhunter / SCS / 50keda
Danke Roadhunter
31 registered users thanked already.
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Becks_Hunter, Bennet1999, croco2, Dbpit, fluckinger0, Given, gurcanozt, influx, joepapa, Jörg, King Gokkel, Liosha1987, Lucas95, Micha-BF3, Micha76, Monk, Nordlicht69, Nordlicht76, Opi, Papa77, pit19169, ReMo, Roadhunter, Sax™, soro63, SoX, Trepanic Mahir, tsr2008, T_O_M, vladimir, Wusel
ETS2 1.19.xx Mods Doorstep lights Version 5
das 1.19 update erfordert für die Doorsteps eine neue Version...neu hinzu sind dann auch noch die zwei Renault
ETS2 1.19.xx Doorstep lights Version 5 for
Scania R 2009 / Scania Streamline / Mercedes Actros 2014 / Volvo FH 16 2009 / Volvo FH 16 2012 / Daf Euro 6
MAN TGX / Scania RJL / Scania T / Daf XF / Daf XF50keda / Renault Magnum / Renault Premium
Don´t upload this file on other hoster.
Danke Roadhunter
14 registered users thanked already.
Users who thanked for this post:
Efsan, Eika, fluckinger0, Franky520is, Heimatloser, influx, Liosha1987, Monk, Nordlicht76, Opi, Papa77, Trepanic Mahir, vladimir, zilpzalp
Tagfahrlicht/Daytime Running Lights - Scania by satan19990
Mod added daytime running lights for Scania R and Streamline. Mod tested and working on v1.21.
Author: satan19990
Allow copy on another forum but keep orginal download link (with and author! Do not reupload!
Download alternativ
8 registered users thanked already.
Doorstep lights Version 6
ETS2 1.24.x.x Doorstep lights Version 6 for
Scania R 2009 / Scania Streamline / Mercedes Actros 2014 / Mercedes Actros 2009 / Volvo FH 16 2009 / Volvo FH 16 2012 / Daf Euro 6
MAN TGX / Scania RJL / Scania T / Daf XF / Daf XF50keda / Renault Magnum / Renault Premium / Iveco Stralis / Iveco Highway
by Roadhunter / SCS / 50keda
supported me through PayPal :
my page
Don´t upload this file on other hoster.
11 registered users thanked already.
Users who thanked for this post:
Dbpit, Efsan, gurcanozt, Liosha1987, Opi, Papa77, pit19169, Roadhunter, soro63, vladimir, xBladex
ETS2 1.27.x.x Mods Doorstep Lights Version 7 by Roadhunter
ETS2 1.27.x.x Doorstep lights Version 7 for
Scania R 2009 / Scania Streamline / Mercedes Actros 2014 / Mercedes Actros 2009 / Volvo FH 16 2009 / Volvo FH 16 2012 / Daf Euro 6
MAN TGX / Scania RJL / Scania T / Daf XF / Daf XF50keda / Renault Magnum / Renault Premium / Iveco Stralis / Iveco Highway
by Roadhunter / SCS / 50keda
supported me through PayPal :
my page
Don´t upload this file on other hoster.
Dankeschön an Roadhunter
5 registered users thanked already.
ETS2 1.28.x.x Truck Upgrade Scania Happy Lightning by Roadhunter
Dankeschön Roadhunter
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